Cattle & Genetics

Vineyard Cattle Company

“Breeding Up to Brangus”

Dr. Vineyard’s “Breeding Up to Brangus” program has allowed VCC to introduce productive, new genetics into the breed and he was an integral part of the IBBA committee that created and developed the Brangus breed’s Expected Progeny Differences (EPD’s), which serve as indicators and assist in genetic selection.

Vineyard Cattle Company has been an innovator of productive “new genetics” in that the breeding program maintains a certified ¼ blood, a certified ½ blood, a certified ¾ blood herd as well as a small Brahman and Angus herd of cattle. The ultimate goal of these herds is to produce predictable and consistent first generation 3/8-5/8 Brangus cattle that will expand the gene pool for their customers and the breed.  The past several years VCC also added an UltraBlack breeding program to their Brangus genetics.  UltraBlacks are the result of mating Registered Brangus and Angus cattle producing a registered 3/16 Brahman – 13/16 Angus animal with less Brahman characteristics.

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